Corporate Summer Events 2023

Corporate Summer Events 2023

With the days growing longer, warmer and brighter we are all, no doubt, looking forward to the Great British Summer 2023! Now more than ever, especially with all the flexibility and agility to the way we work, companies are looking for innovative ways to engage both...
Corporate Summer Events 2023

Corporate Summer Events 2023

With the days growing longer, warmer and brighter we are all, no doubt, looking forward to the Great British Summer 2023! Now more than ever, especially with all the flexibility and agility to the way we work, companies are looking for innovative ways to engage both...
Want to take your events to the next level?

Want to take your events to the next level?

These days there’s a digital solution for almost every event headache – from planning, through execution, to the post-experience debriefing. Digital solutions can be as exciting as they are useful, but knowing what’s out there and getting to grips with what you need...
The Future of Group Bookings

The Future of Group Bookings

Muir explains that global distribution for hotels is evolving and considered a value chain activity. He notes that hotels need to find a balance between sales from their direct channels and those where they need support from a third party. He explains that ideally,...
IVE image led post template

IVE image led post template

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vitae volutpat risus, sit amet euismod turpis. Vestibulum non ornare nisi. Suspendisse sed viverra purus. Duis nec lectus neque. Pellentesque aliquam cursus neque, eu accumsan nisi placerat a. Donec iaculis...
Brands should follow these Tips for Success

Brands should follow these Tips for Success

Brands communicate with their audiences through different channels – event management sits on top of the hierarchy Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras cursus mauris velit, at vestibulum orci gravida non. Vivamus id rhoncus quam. Sed ligula...